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If your property has recently been flooded, please let us know so we can record your issue and help assist with any support and advice: Report flooding form. Further support can be found on our flooding advice pages.

Evidence base and monitoring

The documents on this page are reports used in developing the Local Plan. We report on how the development in the area is progressing against the Local Plan.

Local Plan update and Masterplan consultation

Erratum – 15 February 2024: Due to an administrative error Policy EN18 Sherbourne Park Estate Masterplan has inadvertently been omitted from the “Tracked Changes” version of the Local Plan consultation document. This has now been corrected. The policy is also included in the “Accepted Changes” version of the Local Plan and the Executive Summary, which have been available to view and comment on since the start of the consultation.

The draft Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) has initially been reviewed by the council and is available to view as part of the Regulation 18 evidence base. It supersedes the previous mapping as this 2023 update uses the most up to date information.

We invite comments via the Local Plan consultation from the Environment Agency (EA) and other interested parties. Please note, the EA is a statutory consultee, but is currently experiencing delays in response timeframes and EA review of the draft SFRA.

PDF versions of individual flood maps are available on request from the Forward Planning Team [email protected]

Issues and options consultation

11.1.1C Summary consultation report - Annex A, Cabinet Meeting, Monday 4 July 2022

The draft Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) has initially been reviewed by the Council, and is available to view as part of the Regulation 18 evidence base. We invite comments via the Local Plan consultation from the Environment Agency (EA) and other interested parties. Please note, the EA is a statutory consultee, but is currently experiencing delays in response timeframes, which has impacted on our requests for EA flood data, review and therefore publication of the Cotswold SFRA Level 1.

PDF versions of individual flood maps are available on request from the Forward Planning Team [email protected]

Local Plan Strategy

Development strategy documents

Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA)

Site allocations

Housing to meet local needs


Gypsies and travellers