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Design and access statement


The aim of a Design and Access Statement is to “explain the design thinking behind a planning application.”  They must be submitted with certain types of planning application.

When Design and Access Statements are required

Design and Access Statements are required for planning applications for the following categories of development:

  • Major development
  • Where any part of the development falls within a Conservation Area and the development provides one or more dwelling houses or comprises the provision of a building or buildings, when the floorspace created by the development is 100 square metres or more.
  • Listed building consents

Applicants are advised to refer to the relevant legislation for full details.

The validation checklists for each application type will make it clear whether your application requires a Design and Access Statement; if you have any questions email [email protected].

Contents of a Design and Access Statement

The level of detail needed for a Design and Access Statement will depend on the scale and complexity of the planning application.

To simplify the process of completing a Design and Access Statement we have developed templates that can be completed for each of three types. You can either print off the relevant template and complete it or edit it directly in Word before submitting the completed Design and Access Statement with your application.

The templates include a simple description of what is required for each question.


If your development is a very complex one, these templates may not be suitable.  You may need to employ a suitably qualified and experienced planning agent/consultant or architect to complete the Design and Access Statement for you.

Further Information