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If your property has recently been flooded, please let us know so we can record your issue and help assist with any support and advice: Report flooding form. Further support can be found on our flooding advice pages.

Abandoned shopping trolleys

How to report an abandoned shopping trolley

If you see a shopping trolley abandoned in the district, please report it to the store or supermarket (owner of the trolley) it came from.

Retailers are responsible for removing their own trolleys from public areas.

Most retailers use a trolley collection service. You can contact Collex or Trolleywise to report an abandoned trolley as below.


To report an abandoned Asda trolley contact Collex by email [email protected] or phone 0800 0933 350.


Use the Trolleywise online form here to report an abandoned trolley from:
• B&Q
• Home Bargains
• Iceland
• Lidl
• Morrisons
• Tesco
• Sainsbury's

You can also download the Trolleywise app on Google Play or Apple App Store.

Other ways to report

If you see an abandoned shopping trolley or other possible obstruction in a watercourse which may lead to flooding, please call the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506.

Report an abandoned trolley as a fly-tip

You should only report an abandoned trolley to us if one or more of the following apply:

• Collex or Trolleywise have not removed the trolley within 3 days of your report
• items have been fly-tipped in the trolley
• the trolley is causing a hazard for example, in a watercourse or on a road
• the retailer cannot be identified

See our fly tipping page for further information.