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Tenders and contracts

Procurement and contract management strategy

Cotswold District Council and all the Publica Group Partners have approved a collaborative framework approach to procurement. Our objective is to improve the way we and our partners procure services, goods and works and manage contracts to deliver improved quality services and make sure our spending is value for money. 

We use the following strategies and regulations:

For further information email [email protected].

Existing contracts

Every quarter, Publica Group publishes details of existing contracts across all partner councils. 

Contract opportunities

For details of current opportunities to tender or quote for work visit the contract portal.

View contract opportunities

Tendering or quoting for work

We have set contract rule procedures depending on the value of the contract:

£10,000 and below

The Budget Holder can purchase from the source that offers the Best Value for Money to the Authority. This could be demonstrated by obtaining two written Quotes where possible and via the Portal where appropriate. Contracts shall be by purchase order with the relevant standard terms and conditions attached or otherwise drawn to the attention of the Supplier.

Above £10,000 to £25,000

At least three written Quotes shall be sought through the Portal using the Request for Quote template.

Where a procurement opportunity with a value estimated to be £25,000 or above is Advertised, it must also be advertised on Contract Finder using the Portal within 24 hours of any other adverts appearing together with unrestricted and full direct internet access to relevant contract documents.

A pre-qualification stage is not permitted but appropriate suitability questions may be asked in the Request for Quote.

Contracts shall be by purchase order with the relevant standard terms and conditions attached or otherwise drawn to the attention of the Supplier.

If the lowest Quote received exceeds £25,000, the contract shall not be awarded unless the contract is below the relevant Threshold and either a waiver is approved in accordance with Rule 6.1 or approval is given by the Section 151 Officer.

Unless a waiver or approval of the Section 151 Officer is given, a new procurement will be required which must be carried out in accordance with the above £25,000 to Threshold procedures.

Above £25,000 to Threshold

A full competitive procurement shall be undertaken through the Portal using an Invitation to Tender.

The opportunity must be advertised on Contract Finder (within 24 hours of any other adverts appearing) (and/or other public advertisement as determined by the Authorised Officer) together with unrestricted and full direct internet access to relevant contract documents.

A pre-qualification stage is not permitted except for procurements of works contracts above the Threshold for supplies and services. A PAS91 pre-qualification questionnaire must be used.

A formal written contract prepared or approved by the Council's Solicitor must be used.

If the lowest Tender received exceeds the relevant Threshold then the contract shall not be awarded. A new procurement will be required which must be carried out in accordance with the Threshold and Above procedure.

See also