Return your notice intention to [email protected]
Or by post:
Licensing Team
Cotswold District Council
Trinity Road
What happens next
We’ll arrange an inspection of your premises and notify you at least 28 days before it occurs. We must consider any inspectors' reports before we grant or refuse your licence.
We’ll also run a consultation on your application, and consider the views and representations from:
- the applicant
- the local chief officer of police
- the appropriate enforcing authority
- the governing body of any national institution concerned with the operation of zoos
- the relevant local planning authorities
- anyone with health or safety concerns for people living in the neighbourhood
- anyone who might show grounds on which the authority can or should refuse to grant the licence
If necessary, we’ll refer the application to our Licensing Committee and invite you to the meeting so you can present your proposals.
We will not grant your licence if the zoo would:
- affect the health or safety of people living nearby
- seriously affect the preservation of law and order
- not properly implement the appropriate conservation measures
We may also refuse if:
- the accommodation, staffing or management standards are not suitable for the proper care and wellbeing of the animals or for the proper conduct of the zoo
- the applicant, or incorporated company, or any of the company's directors, managers, secretaries or zoo keepers have been convicted of any offence involving the ill-treatment of animals
We’ll also consult with the Secretary of State. They may ask us to attach one or more conditions to your licence.
If the zoo will only keep a small number of animals, or a small number of animal types, we may advise the Secretary of State that you do not need a licence.